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Mad Millie Gin
Create your very own blend of homemade gin with the Mad Millie Handcrafted Gin Kit.
Preparation Time 15 mins
Ready In 48 hours
1 L (1 US qt)
- 1 L (1 US qt) Store bought vodka
- 1 packet Mad Millie Botanical Blend
- Pour the vodka into your 1 L (1 US qt) jar provided in the Mad Millie Handcrafted Gin Kit.
- Add the blend of Mad Millie botanicals into the jar with the vodka.
- Gently stir then leave to steep for 48 hours so the botanicals can infuse.
- Fold the filtered paper into quarters and open one fold to form a tight cone shape. Place into the funnel.
- Place the funnel into the bottle and slowly pour the freshly made gin into the funnel, making sure all the liquid is contained in the filter paper.
- The filtered liquid should be free of any botanical solids and display a lovely golden hue. Label and enjoy your handcrafted gin!