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DIY Kits
to craft your own
food & drinks

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Cheese Kits

With all the specialised ingredients and step by step instructions, Mad Millie kits are the perfect introduction to cheesemaking. Getting creative has never been so easy.

Beverage Kits

Brewing or infusing your own beverages from scratch can be incredibly satisfying, especially when sharing the finished product with friends and family. Ginger beer, kombucha or gin anyone?
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Fermenting Kits

Make your own homemade fermented foods with Mad Millie kits. Whether you are a sauerkraut lover, kombucha drinker or kefir consumer, your gut will thank you for it!

Vegan Kits

At Mad Millie we strive to support more sustainable choices in the best way we know how. The Mad Millie vegan range ensures you don’t miss out on some of the best things in life, namely cheese and chocolate!
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